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My Journey to the Ocean Is Now Free

Like Charles Dickens once said, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...". What first appeared to be an uncontrollable wave that was about to destroy everything we were used to, has surprisingly turned out to be the most creative time in our lives. As I am one-third-way done with the third - and final - novel of All Colors of the Rainbow series - I'm very happy to announce that the electronic version of My Journey to the Ocean (the series starter and my literary baby I cherish the most :)) is now free on Barnes and Noble, Apple, Google Books, and Kobo. It's 99 cents on Amazon - I have asked Amazon to price-match and make the novel free on their platform as well, and they are currently "working on processing my request". So... if you are stuck at home and looking for a fun read, click here, download and start reading! And yes - please feel free to share this post!

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