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A Russian Girl's Hot Guys Craze

Last week I wrote a post about the actors and actresses from the soap operas that we used to watch back in the 90s and early 2000s in Russia. We loved them so much they were almost like family to us. Now, almost 20 years later, I am curious to see how they have changed. This is Part 2 of that previous post, but this time I wanted to pick the hottest guys from the popular series of those far-gone days and see what they look like today. Are you ready? Get a glass of wine, make sure you are comfortable and let's go!

Who doesn't remember Nicolas from Helene et les Garcons? Remember how we used to buy chewing gum, collect all the stickers with the main scenes from the show and attach them all to the fridge? Or the closet? Or the bathroom wall? :) Well, if you want to know what I think, Patrick Puydebat is still steaming hot! Way to go :).

If you are really missing the show, here is the link to 200 episodes on YouTube. If you are in a hurry, at least listen to the titles - you will be immediately transported to your childhood and teenage years!

Lane Davies - Mason from Santa Barbara

In the previous post all my attention was on A Martinez - or Cruz Castillo. Tonight I would like to remember the handsome Mason!

Facundo Arana - Ivo from Muñeca Brava

How could we forget Ivo? So charismatic, funny and charming. Definitely my high school crush!

Murilo Benício - Lukas from The Clone

The guy who actually played three guys - one dead, one alive and a clone of the dead one. Sounds confusing? The hell it was, but oh man, didn't we love it? Plus, it started nation-wide bellydance craze - and it was amazing!

Michele Placido - Corrado Cattani from The Octopus (La Piovra or "Спрут")

The courageous man who has dedicated his life to fighting Cosa Nostra, this dangerously gorgeous actor captured the hearts of many back in the day. Still, this captivating series that seems to be strangely unknown in the United States, is worth watching even in the 21st century. The exciting (and at times brutal) plot paired with the soundtrack by Ennio Morricone is tough to beat. Unfortunately, I could not find the series on Amazon Instant Video, but all the DVDs are available on the website.

And here is the soundtrack for you!

Kyle MacLachlan - Dale Cooper from Twin Peaks

And of course, Charlotte's dream husband Trey from Sex and the City (first season free on Amazon Prime!). But first time we met him was during those gripping suspense scenes from Twin Peaks! By the way, it is also available for free on Amazon Prime.

David Duchovny - Fox Mulder from The X-Files

The X-Files always creeped me out, but all my friends watched it. Plus, there was David Duchnovny - and who doesn't love David Duchnovny. The entire X-Files series (9 seasons) are now available on Amazon Prime. By the way, if you haven't watched his Californication, you totally should. It's like Sex and the City - but for guys :).

Here is the opening theme for you - in case you forgot - which I really doubt you did!

And this is all for now! I am pretty positive that I forgot someone - perhaps a few. If this is so, please share the pics in the comments below. If you would like to read Part 1 of this post, click here.



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