My Journey to the Ocean Is Now Free
Like Charles Dickens once said, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...". What first appeared to be an uncontrollable...

I'm Going to Do It Differently Today...
We all change and grow, and so do our forms of self-expression. This excerpt from my third book, It's All About Love, which I'm currently...

"I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike"
Sometimes failing at doing something might be a blessing in disguise. That's how it worked out for me anyway. "Bike". The word still...

Our Life is but a Dream...
I took my little Chloe on a girls' shopping trip today. Casually strolling with my tiny girlfriend from Target to Ross, I remembered how...

Twenty-Five Pages of You
These twenty-five pages were not written by me. They were written by my grandmother in the year 2000, right after she turned seventy-one....

When in Berlin... Part 1. Letting Go.
2019 has been crazy travel-wise... And it all started with Berlin... It's funny how you always think of yourself as one type of person -...

You Came to Me Last Night
You came to me in my dream last night. It's funny how I used to think that it was freaky that people who passed on come to visit you in...

Roads Less Traveled...
Yet another year has gone by, and it was once again time to mull over the question of where our crazy family of five was heading to for...

Picky-Kid Approved Smoothie Goodness
I have two extremely picky kids. Every meal is a battle - some days I win and bask in the rays of maternal glory, and some days I lose...

When in Saint Petersburg...
Saint Petersburg, or the Venice of the North, the heart and soul of the Russian culture, is one of those cities that leaves you standing...